Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's been a while!

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Alba is lazing at Lake Eola Park's playground

Yesterday Dave and I were returning from a walk around Lake Eola when we saw four peacocks meandering slowly across a road. They were large, slow, silly birds. They hung out and actually obstructed traffic, completely unphased by the cars whizzing next to them.

Dave and I tried to shoo them across the street, but they just stood and stared at the funny waving humans, as if to say, We're so pretty that people just stop everything they're doing to let us by.

"Hey! These your peacocks?" Someone called at us from across the street.

"No," I replied. He joined us in trying to herd them, so after another few moments of shooing, we finally got the diva birds to the sidewalk.


"Wonder why he thought we'd be walking four peacocks? 'Yeah, these are our peacocks. Time for their morning walk.'"

"Yeah. Walkin' out with our peacocks out," Dave said.