Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Orlando land of lizards

Orlando, named for an event that never happened? Orlando Reeves (Rees?) died near Lake Eola (location of this morning's walk) during the Second Seminole War and thus the city got its name. But maybe not? Was he a miller who lived near by who had carved his name on a tree while visiting the area? A tree, once locate by the lake, which later visitors called Orlando's Grave?

This morning I saw lizards. Many many lizards. Brown Anoles? I think that's what they are called. I lost count after 25. They hang out around the sidewalks and sprint off when disturbed. Also I saw at least four great jungle cats (at least in their own minds) hanging out in several lush yards and sun-warmed cars. Once at the lake I saw many walked dogs and swans of multiple types. I'll learn more about the swans and share here.

Lake Eola seems to be a homeless-friendly area. I don't know much about what kind of support Orlando offers the homeless. I'll look into that too.


  1. We used to have only chameleons. Some fool brought some Anoles from the Bahamas, and they filled that ecological niche quickly. They are bigger and heavier than the old lizards.

    The old lizards, not real chameleons but they change from green to tan as needed, have claimed the bushes and trees. So a reduced population resides where the heavier lizards can't climb. They are cute, too!

    More than you ever cared to know, huh?


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Orange County helps to support the Central Florida Coalition for the Homeless. I believe they help run a soup kitchen somewhere downtown, but I'm not positive.

